
Misa placed her head against Emma's arm and closed her eyes. Emma looked at her and blushed then looked away quickly. Tania watched and giggled then walked to Marielle. Marielle was cleaning her Trident.

"This will be our first time in forever going into War.. I'm actually nervous..there are heroes we haven't even seen before and there will be enemies beyond our are going to have to fight Kurai.." Tania sat beside her.

"We are all sisters here..we won't let no one die in this War..we can Rebirth but we Rebirth back here and it'll take a while for our bodies to fully recover." Marielle looked at Tania and smiled. "We may not be blood relatives..but we are close enough to be blood relatives. In this war..I will stay by your side no matter what."

"As will I, Marielle.." Tania smiled and watched Marielle clean her Trident.

Elizabeth and Lilith were on the balcony. Lilith sat on the frame of the balcony and Elizabeth leaned upon the frame. She looked down at the ground and sighed softly.

"Eliza, what's on your mind..?" Lilith asked, looking at the sky.

"I never knew Luca personally..I have met him..and he treated us all like family..I didn't know about the Devil Stone being broken for him..he had a specific amount of time before he died..120 Days..or barely 4 months..compared to us..Luca is the strongest and the fastest also the most efficient amongst us 9..he was able to make peace and stop a war in 4 months...while we have been at war since we were born..I killed my own stepmother when she betrayed me.." Elizabeth said.

"I understand what you are talking about. Also he and Irea were close..Irea took his death pretty she knows who killed him, she's out for blood." Lilith said. "Let me tell you matter what happens..I will be by your side as we've always been..our bond is unbreakable." She looked at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth looked at Lilith and smiled. She nodded then looked at the sky. She and Lilith were friends since Elizabeth first became a Dark Lord. They've been as close as blood sisters since their first meeting.

Meanwhile in the meeting room, Irea sat in her chair and the room was dark. She sat alone in the room and looked at a picture of her and Luca. She heard the door open and looked up.

"It's only me Irea.." Viper hissed. She turned on the light and looked at her. "This is our moment of revenge...we will avenge Luca.."

"I know... Luca never deserved this...he didn't do anything wrong..not a single thing...yeah he killed people..but they attacked him first...he only took revenge...and.." Irea paused.

"He got Revenge...and brought Justice to the world..the real villain was the Blood Goddess...she is the main reason why Luca went to war it's our turn to get revenge and justice..Irea...we need you. We might be individual when going solo but this is war now..we need leader." Viper said. "Think about it for a bit.." Viper walked out the room and closed the door.

Irea sat in the meeting room alone once again. She closed her eyes and sighed. She placed her head down and thought for a while. As she thought she hatched an idea.

The next day everyone met in the meeting room. They all looked at Irea and wondered what was going on.

"Everyone..When we go into the Phantom Realm, we will split into 2 teams. There are 10 of us, excluding Liliana since she doesn't right and is bound to Misa. Misa, Lilith, Elizabeth, Emma, and Rebecca will be on Team 1. Floria, Tania, Marielle, Viper and I will be on Team 2. We will destroy worlds faster that way. Our checkpoint is World 15, Uitelis. That is where Yuto will await. There are 140 worlds in total, we should be at Xthalis in less than 2,800 Days..." Irea said.

"Wait wait...that's approximately 7 years!" Misa said.

"Our years work different." Elizabeth giggled. "Every 20 Days is a month for us. Every 100 Days is a year for us. Then there is the leap year, we have to wait 200 days until our next year then the leap year becomes permanent after day 300 aka 2 years."

"How did you even come up with that?" Misa looked at Elizabeth.

"For a human it takes 365 or 366 days for Earth to make one whole rotation." Elizabeth started.

Uh-huh.." Misa rose an eyebrow.

"And we don't know about all that stuff..we destroy worlds before we understand their on our days off, we literally lay outside and watch the clouds and the takes 100 days for the stars to come back into their original positions. Meaning the world made a full rotation." Elizabeth shrugged. "We marked our calendar based on our knowledge."

"So you're saying for you all, your universe works 4 times faster than ALL of the Realms combined..?" Misa asked.

"Yep!" Elizabeth said.

"If I did the math right..for you all..we will be at war for 28 years..." Misa said.

"Bingo!" Emma smiled. "You're smart there Misa!"

"That would be the case though if we worked alone. Since we are in two teams, our completion rate doubles by 2 so we should be at Xthalis in no more than 1,400 days or for you, 3 years."

"3 years.. That will work out well." Misa nodded.

"Oh yeah, one more thing about Dark Lords, once you hit 21 you stop aging... COMPLETELY. You won't go past 21 years old and your body will remain the same and since you can't go past 21, your health and immune system are infinite. Especially as a Dark Lord and Rebirth." Irea said.

"Useless piece of information but okay! So when are we going to the Phantom Realm?" Misa asked.

"Tomorrow. Don't worry about a change of clothes, we are going to different worlds after all, we will have time to get different clothes to wear." Irea smiled.

"I- Alright." Misa nodded.

"If there aren't any questions, you all are dismissed. See you first thing in the morning tomorrow." Irea said and stood up.