Protect the Dark Lords 2

Feeva dashed to Misa then Emma grabbed Misa's shoulder and pushed her back and blocked Feeva's attack. Feeva scoffed then blocked Queen's attack. Queen grunted and stepped back. Feeva summoned a black serpent and the serpent struck Emma and blew her away. Elizabeth dashed towards Feeva, but the serpent swung its tail then Elizabeth dodged and got hit by an energy blast from Feeva.

"Nngh! This woman is too strong.. especially when us Dark Lords are stuck at our basic is this some sick fu--" Elizabeth paused and sighed. She was kinda stressed since she could have easily beaten Feeva alone at her max power.

"Why does it only affect Dark Lords?" Misa asked.

"It's a Goddess Blessing..those who fight for a Goddess receives a certain Blessing from the Goddess..and certain Goddesses abilities affect Dark Lords." Luna said.

"We have a Goddess she broken?" Misa asked.

"Uh..about that..I don't give Blessings..since I am a Corrupted abilities only affect me.." Kazumi blushed.

"Yep she's broken." Emma said.

"Blessing? Ha! I am from another Realm entirely! I am a disciple of the Holy Emperor! One of the most powerful beings in the Human Realm!" Feeva said.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. No one knew who the Holy Emperor was or if he actually existed.

"We don't know who the hell you're talking about." Irea said.

"The Holy Emperor, ruler of Xalmir? The Emperor who gave us heroes in Xalmir power?" Feeva said.

"Mmmm no doesn't ring a bell." Elizabeth said.

"You've destroyed 200+ worlds and not once come across Xalmir? It's literally one of the biggest planets in the Human Realm." Feeva said.

"We've been to Xathmal." Emma said.

"Oh yeah such a beautiful place. We kept that planet standing, might go visit when this war is over." Lilith said. "The men there are so..Ara~"

"AHEM! If you haven't realized we are in the middle of WAR." Luna said. "Besides the Holy Emperor sounds pretty important..which makes me believe you don't fight under Shadeus correct?"

"If I did, I would have been killed you all earlier." Feeva said. "I am fighting off my own integrity. This Shadeus guy is technically my enemy, but people here say you all are evil so.."

"Evil? We literally can not get a break for five minutes without a hero trying to kill us, which in fact does not work! We can Rebirth!" Elizabeth said.

"Aside from Luca but his Rebirth was practically taken away from him.." Viper hissed.

"So you all aren't the enemy..?" Feeva asked.

"If you've done your homework, you'd know we are fighting for the Human Realm. We are in alliance with Cipher. Surely you've heard of them." Irea said.

"Yes, I've heard of them and their names are legendary. If you all aren't in fact the enemy then I see no reason to fight." Feeva laid down her weapon.

"A wise decision." Irea said.

"Okay that went by easier than expected." Misa said. "If words could solve this issue then what's stopping us from pulling a Talk no Jutsu with Shadeus?"

"Because most likely his reasoning would be so much bull crap that it would inherently piss us off and proceed to kill him anyway." Mariella said.

"Makes sense, please continue." Misa said.

Irea walked ahead and touched the core and paused. Everyone looked at her and was confused on why she stopped.

"Did we extract the Innocents out of this world?" Irea looked back.

"If we went back reinforcements would appear and make our job a lot harder..a few casualties wouldn't hurt." Rebecca said.

"Yeah that's the equivalent of saying mass genocide is a great thing." Misa said.

The Dark Lords blinked at her.

"What? That's what we are gonna be commiting with these innocents! Then call it "Unfortunate casualties"." Misa looked at them. "Why are you staring at me I'm right!"

"That is the most hypocritical thing I've ever heard come from your mouth." Emma said.

"Yeah I gotta agree..we aren't gonna speak on all the heroes you've slaughtered..what you just said is the equivalent of someone saying 'Free the homie' and you're the homie." Floria said.

"Whatever! Just blow the planet up!" Misa made a portal and walked through the portal.

Everyone else followed. Irea destroyed the core and walked into the portal and the portal closed.

"I'm just saying, those people could have grew up to be potential members of Cipher!" Misa said.

"Yeah I get you." Tania smiled.

"What number world are we on? We kinda skipped a lot of worlds." Misa asked.

"Since there are 140 worlds we skipped about 20..because it's gonna be the same process over and over we are in the 69th world, Aphrodite." Irea said.

"Pretty convenient the 69th world would be named after the Goddess of Sex and Beauty.." Misa said, unenthusiastically. "I can expect to see a lot of heroes who look extremely beautiful."

"It isn't that bad.." Elizabeth said.

" any unfortunate timing we could run into a situation where the heroes are unnaturally lustful, or unrealistically beautiful and we will be immobilized by their actions.." Misa said.

"Don't jinx it." Emma said.

Misa and the others traveled around and stopped at a certain village where a man, specifically a hero, is surrounded by a group of erotic dancers.

"Looks like some type of harem." Elizabeth said.

"Or sexual harassment." Misa said.

"That too." Elizabeth said.

Misa ran up to the group and noticed the women were unnaturally beautiful and blushed a bit. The man looked back and ran behind Misa.

"Save me from those heathens! I'll do anything!" The man said.

"Of course.. this world is full of Dancers..Erotic ones.." Misa sighed.

One of the dancers started to dance a very strange dance and Misa watched her and a symbol appeared on Misa's forehead and the dancer vanished. Misa held her head and grunted.

" this..?!" Misa grunted and her heart started to thump fast and her pupils turned into hearts and she gasped.

"Uh-oh..I know this effect.." Lilith said.

"Effect?" Irea asked.

"That dancer Misa encountered has the Betray and Charm effect to her dance and anyone who watches it directly will be under her control until she dies. That dancer is our target, Aphrodite." Lilith said.

"It just feels like Shadeus isn't even trying now..first he nerfs us as hard as Greninja in Smash Bros now puts us in a situation beyond escape..this is so unoriginal at this point." Rebecca said.

"We've been alive for so long, nothing really surprised us anymore.." Floria said. "Plus we've all been in these situations so we know how to react."

"We gotta find Aphrodite. Who's gonna stay here with Misa?" Irea asked.

"I will." Queen said.

"Alright, we shall use telepathy to keep in contact." Elizabeth said.

"Right." Everyone else said.

"Now...let's go kill this goddess.." Elizabeth said with the most unenthusiastic voice and walked off.

"This is getting kinda old.." Viper said.

"So old that Viper's accent disappeared.." Emma laughed a bit.

Queen walked to Misa and turned her around. She looked at Misa and she didn't really act any differently towards her.

"My body..feels so strange.." Misa said.

"If this is her power then it's really pathetic.." Queen said. "But that sign..what does it do..? I'll study on it while they search for her."