Trouble In Detroit Part ONE.

"(Farrae)..So, you are elves from another world who got here by a mysterious portal."

"(Pain in the ass No.2)...We do. Believe in us. Look at us, pointy ears and grey hair."

"(Farrae)..Those could be fake. And wven if it was true. Whaymt doea it have to do with me ? You attacked me !!"

"(Pain in the ass No.1)..Yes, because we thought you were a 'Feral'. We are sorry for you, and your friend."

"(Farrae)..My friend ???.....Ohh, right. Her ! Hmm, so there's no zombies ?!"

"(Pain in the ass No.2)..It can be considered as..---"

(Pain in the ass No.1)...Shut up, Freus !!...Don't mind him..."

"(Farrae)..Talk !!!"

"(Pain in the ass No.2)..It can be considered as, those zombies that you mean as ferals. But, they aren't humans. At least not from this world. What I mean is--"

"(Farrae)...Stop !!! Don't ! I feel like I'm gonna puke. So that's what 'Sucker Number Two meant--I mean, Mary. That explains a lot of things. And I have the upper hand."

"(Pain in the ass No.1)...What do you mean ?"

"(Farrae)...Marys is one of yours. An elf, I mean. As well as Mary, my old friend. I guess you all bunch planned something and it didn't work well. And bang, Apocalypse !!!"

"(Pain in the ass No.1)....Who are you ? And how did you know that we were accustomed to this world ??"

"(Farrae)..Your little friend, Marys let out too much information. And I already you were following us. Something quite unfortunate happened to me and now, I can feel people. Their lies and truth and what they will do.".

"(Pain in the ass No.2)....(I must inform Marys !!)..I see..."

"(Farrae)..And You, Pain in the asses fucking creep, shouldn't have tried to mess with me. I already ordered my slave not to act when you'd appeared. I'm not dull, Where's Mary ?!!"

"(Pain in the ass No 1~2)...We don'--"

"(Farrae)...Then, die. I seriously don't have time....Well, Slave, now that they are dead. We must try to get information from those other dumbasses. Let's call them right away...."

"(Gael, Slave of Farrae)....Yes, Master.."

To be continued.
