Trouble In Detroit Part FOUR[Last Part].

Reclused in a moderate house on a mountain, Mary and her bunch were discussing their 'afterwards' plan. And it was going on pretty well.

"(Mary Reguard, The Initiator of the Apocalypse)...Marys, I heard you succeeded in meeting her. Congratulation !!"

"(Marys)..Thanks, Mary. I--"

"(Mary).--Congratulation on fucking up."


"(Mary)..[Sighed]..Fuck !!! And now what am I supposed to do ?! Wait and fuck or fuck and wait !?!!"

"(Marys)..I don't know, Madam."

"(Mary)..Just--Lie down !!! Some's powerful's here !!!!!"

"(Marys)..What do you mean[Crawled down]...? I don't sense anything--"

"(Mary)..It is her, Farrae !!!!!!"




Minutes ago, Farrae in Caramel's house. She was mourning Caramel's sudden death. But out of nowhere, thoughts about him rushing in Farrae's mind. Images of his smile, laughter, sad eyes and even his hug hit the girl. It wasn't her memories but that of her late daughter. Those feelings still present were hidden deep inside of her. And when it surged back up, it was as if a mountain fell on her. Her heart wavered like crazy, and instantly snapping Farrae out of reason. Her eyes went lucent red. Her arms raised up till her shoulders level. She stretched out her hands and at some point, snapped her finger. Before the sound could be heard she had already disappeared. And the next split of a second, she was pending on the air looking down. It was Mary's hideout. Farrae not really herself, started crying blood. Piss coming down her blue jean entering his shoes before dripping down. And on the ground, one of the guards looking around reciever that drop of piss on him. He looked up and in a blink got his head skull crushed into mincemeat. Farrae continued crying without wiping away the blood tears. Suddenly, her heart got pierced by a thin blade shining like the sun. She turned her head and saw another elf. A smile built up on her face as she grabbed the sword. The elf trying to get out of situation couldn't and had his ribs broken the next second.

The bodies of the elfs decomposing right away. Her tears stopped. She then liberated a big force wave sort of like a scan and felt everything inside Mary's hideout. But Mary too felt that wave. But no one could've expected it. Farrae in a state where everything was possible for her. She once more snapped her finger and the next moment. Farrae was facing Mary.

"(Mary)....Well, old Fifi, you finally found me. You doing good ??!?"

To be continued.
