How To Start An Argument Part THREE.

Shh...Shhh....Don't make a noise. I hope you recognize me. Black hair bun, fancy clothes and a unique smile. My name is Bald and I am the Demon Lord's Spox. The last time you saw me, I was like a lion in cage. Like a slave to its master. I couldn't talk freely because one of the demon lord was there. Now, we are just you and me. Me and you. You and you. Me and me. You know what I mean, Alone... Come sit by me. Let's taste some meat together and enjoy this precious time I stole from others.

Good. While you eat some hare, I will explain a few things that you need to know here on the demon land. Seven major rules to obey.

First; Trading is allowed only for demon.

Second; No Non-Demon allowed on the Demon land.

Third; Wealth buys everything.

Fourth; Slaves are allowed on the Demon Land.

Fifth; Never mention your name in front of the Spox, Bald.

Sixth; Never speak directly to the Demon Lords.

Seven; Any Primal demon must be sentenced to DEATH.

Well, that's it. Seven main rules that greatly helped into building our society of today. We, demons are proud of it. We are happy to have a silent and carefree life to live about. Because it was not always like this. Before this beautiful land beconing a nation, it was a landmine. A place of war organised by the Primal demons. And the chaos that created caused a lot of damage to our kind. Thankfully, Our Demon Lords appeared and saved us from a forever lasting downfall. The Primal demon was hunted down. And order came back on the demon land. But it was never meant to last. Yesterday, three important guests made their appearances. And I seriously feel like they are going to bring misfortune but at least, its going to be fun...

To be continued.
