A Change In The Names Part TWO.

The Demon Land was subjected to multiple wars in the past. And each time, it was between the Primal demon and some demon lords. And like every time, both sides lost. Until, the birth of the demon king, Allegraham Detriūso. He arrived in the demon world to change things. He was the first demon lord to accomplish what many couldn't. He survived the peimal demon's wave. And married the next demon king to be in charge. That's how he met Prometheüs Petraïarmo. Both reunited to rule as the strongest kings of all. But their little play yard ended with the arrival of the new generation of Primal demon. And at their heads, Montana and Brown, the daughters of Farrae. But as you might know, the primal demon lost. And it was their choices in altering the time course that changed the situation.



The war between the demon lords and Farrae started.



Guys, I was blind this whole time. I only just realised how much I fucked up. I fucked up as a mother. I fucked up real bad. I just learnt a cold truth. A truth behing the truth. My daughters that came from me were chosen both to be the substitute of demon. I fucking hate my cunning self for being...useless...Is it too late to ask for pardon ???

Because I know how much it must've meant to my cadet to do this. It should've been really important for her to give me this opportunity. That tells me so much on her. She really wanted to be proud of her mother. I'll never forget this even if I my die, I will honor my cadet's wish.


The war started and I soon found myself in between. I knew I was a primal demon but I didn't think that I woukd be in the frontlines. And in a matter of seconds, people gathered behind me raising their voices. Screaming for freedom and peace. It wasn't the first time but they hoped it'd be the last. But something was weird.

Only Prometheüs was representing the Demon Lords. Instead of the people worrying of their demon king missing, they viewed this as an opportunity to attack and gain the uopper hand. Well, I'm not doing this for my revenge but for my daughter.

"(Farrae)..Montana, this war is for you..."

To be continued.
