Chill And Pick: Act Two[Final] Part TWO.

My name's Marys Reguard. A Goddess-To-Be. Young Elf in elven timeline, but old in human's. My sister is Mary Reguard. And we were born from sex slaves. Slaves brought by the elven king. We grew up in a small village on the northen part of Artencia. Till our tenth birthdays. And one day, a Royal TimeTeller announced that the goddess was going to reincarnate. And when the elven king killed her for sullying the goddess name. She didn't have the time to tell the name. My sister took that opportunity to lie. She spreaded the words. Words tgat I was the next goddess. Artencia's people talked and the elven king became interested. He came to us. Took us as his own. And just like that, we became princ--I mean, she became the princess. And I became a measly bodyguard. My sister found better. And she planned to live a luxurious life. She was happy. Until, I really became the next goddess to be.




"(Marys)..You should've just stayed true to yourself. I never told you to lie. I told you to be yourself. But you didn't give a fuck. And here we are. I hope you don't forget that you caused an apocalypse."

"(Mary)....I hate you."

"(Marys)..I hate you too, Mary. Now, stop talking to me, please..."

To be continued.
