Love Yelping, Don't You Part THREE.

' From Farrae,

I know that it is strange for me to write for you. But time has changed. We are not linked anymore. You found yourself a good person. Now, you must care for it and never let it go. Fight for it. Unlike me. I know you will do the right thing. For me, I must go save mmy family. I do not promise to come back alive. I promise to see you one day happy. Peace , Farrae. '




"(Gael)..Great. She left."

"(Amanda)...Go join her then. Why are you even here ?"

"(Gael).....I don't want to argue anymore. Leave me be, please. She told me to take care of this us, but I don't feel like there's this us anymore."

"(Amanda)..You are right for once. I'll go take my stuff. I must hurry. I do not want to spend one more night here..."



Gael has always been the type to not take the us seriously. The little time we spent together showef me how much of a coward she was. I fell in love with her, but I didn't it was going to be like this. She was my nemesis in terms of love. She never fought for us, she just survived.


Amanda tried to change me. Maybe for herself or for me. The point, she tried. She tthought of me as someone I never was. I am not sorry she believed me to be a fighter of love. I never believed in it in the first place. I only cared about my owner or myself. I rarely got to feel this way towards someone. And even when it happened, that person either died or rejected me.



"(Amanda)..I know you are here to talk. But I don't nee--"

"(A ferral)...Arrrrrgghhhh...."

To be continued.
