Be Part ONE.



A lot happened.

You know me so much now, I feel like...Naked. You heard my story from my point of view. From my daughters. You got a gist of how all of this took place. And we are already heading at the ending phase of the story. Buckle up guys ! Ten more volumes to go...





Artencia. Mystical land where reside magical creatures; Fairies, animal-on-two-feets, elves, humans and the worst of them all, Ferrals. The land blessed by the Goddess 'Pray'. Every creatures on that land were happy. Happy, until one day, the humans started to act greedily. They stole, killed for no reason. This incited the war to take place. And in no time, they were killed by the other nations. But no one could've guessed what was going to hapoen next. With the attempt of extinction of the humans in Artencia, those who were left. Those who didn't die wanted revenge. And one of them made a difference. This name, Jackie. And he found a way to control the Ferrals. Like the different nations united to obliterate the humans, Jackie controlled every Ferrals of Artencia to take them on. Jackie rapidly took the control of Artencia. Soon, he became the King of Artencia also known as, the Leader of the Ferrals.



"(Farrae)...Wahhh !!!! [Breathes harshly]...Fuck !!! Fucking nightmares !!!! One month since I'm in this fucking shitty land. And still nothing I got to know at all. I'm tired....of searching nothing. Tired, that's it..."



"(Gael)...It's been long ago since she passed away. I hate myself for it. But I must find master....We need her...Things went sour...Master, We need you !!!!"

To be continued.
