Dope Part THREE.

"(Tom)...Where is the human girl ?!"


"(Mary)....I think he meant your friend, Farrae."

"(Tom)...Farrae. So, its her name.. Farrae.... And where is she ??"

"(Mary)..Last time we checked, Demon World. And you kidnapped us before we could even search her."

"(Marys)...Mary !! Shut up !!!"

"(Tom)....Demon world...but its completely destroyed. Any cue of where to find her ??"


"(Mary)..Like she said."













"(Tom)..Master. The elves got nothing. They are useless."

"(JaCkIe)....KiLL TheM NoW !!! i'Ve gOt sOmEtHinG elSe plaNNeD.."

"(Tom)..Of course, Master."





The reason I talk that way ?? Come on, I already told you, plain and clear, last chapter.. But if you forgot, I will tell you again. I am a middle aged human who got blood cancer. I was forced to become the lord of the ferral. If I don't want the world to eat me up, I must impose myself as a real villain. Thats why I talk like that. I seem more villainous, don't you think ?? Anyway, I am hungry. My planning today, consists of eating at ten, sleeping at fourteen and then, meeting with my staff. Too much to do today..I must go now, kiss !!

To be continued.
