WebNovelTHE SOULS85.71%


"Well, I was here with Shivalika," Anne is laughing for the last 10 minutes; Samuel's different questions are pissing me off.

"argh.." wonder, how do you feel; when someone catches you; when you were staring at someone? And the worse is that when her friend saw you doing that and starts teasing you by ganging up with your friend.

"Let's go to the dining hall," said Samuel

"Okay, and please do not tell anyone that I did something like a miracle.", I requested all of them.

"Do we look like someone with a bigmouth to you?" asked Shivalika.

"Oh, well... not that."

"Anyhow, we don't care about a disgust like you."


"Nothing, nothing." Samuel, he suddenly interrupted.

"hm?" I asked

"I am just asking you not to make a fuss. Let's go to the dining hall."

"I am not hungry, its a bit dizzy I'll rest here."

They are going away, were whispering something. I usually do not care what others say. I figured it out on the first day only, the heat and anger which I could see in their eyes. Forcefully dragging me into a fight, but her words hurt me. Maybe, I just started getting frustrated.

It was my fault. They have all the right to be cruel to me. It, can't be helped. They did warn me, they said I am going too far, I was told that I am becoming too powerful for a human. It was specially made informed to me that I am changing my fate.

It was the best, my fate was not this. I changed it, I was asked that could I take responsibility for my actions? Yes, I can.

At that moment, I can't bear the thought that my life is already written. The decision I take are not mine but are already taken. I changed my fate, some may think that this is some kind of heroic thing. But it's my fate that I have to suffer humiliation, even after my death, to suffer, to die every moment. I got warned, again and again.

I was ready. I thought I was ready, but why? Why her words made me feel guilty for my do' es? Her approach made me feel like she was not like others, maybe, some more comfort guys.

'Sigh.. escaped me as I continued to gaze at my past stupidity in thin air.'

I am seeing things blurry now. Oh, tears?... I see I am crying, ooh, I can be weak sometimes. Huh, pity me.


"Sir, do you think he will be able to live like this?"

"time will tell." says, earth soul.