The true farewell, there were no ancient roads or pavilions, nor was there a call to drink another cup of wine closer to a friend. It all happened on a morning just like any other, yet some people remained stuck in yesterday.
In the silent universe, a spaceship slowly moved along, everything appearing as if in a still frame.
Life existed in the universe in an infinite cycle. Theists call this reincarnation, atheists call it the conservation of matter.
Inside the spaceship, the six hundred people were all that remained of the new civilization. In contrast to the eternal unchanging world outside, humans were constantly changing. Time made everyone who woke up from hibernation feel the cruelty time imposed.
But these changes were just a string of tiny pearls in the fabric of time and space, from beginning to end, merely a moment in the eternal universe…
Acceptance was not optional, it was mandatory!
A week later…
Zhang Yuan had arrived at his workplace.