The Emperor’s Clone, Effortlessly Facing The Domineering Emperor’s Aura

The screams of the Third Elder attracted the attention of many people.

When they looked, all they saw was the one-wing-less and bleeding Third Elder falling from mid-air. His face was as pale as paper.

Holding the wing that was broken off, Chu Kuangren slowly descended onto the ground. He laughed as he looked at it in his hand. "I wonder if I can make fried chicken wings with this. It's a shame I don't have any cumin with me. "

After that, he threw the wing aside and stared coldly at the Third Elder, all while Chu Kuangren's Battle Monarch Domain was still suppressing his opponent.

Both the Fallen Winged Humans and Winged Humans around them were shocked as they, one by one, looked at Chu Kuangren with fear in their eyes.

One should know that the Third Elder was an Honorable. He may not be in a fully primed condition, but he was still an Honorable!