Little Daoist Boy, Thousand Mountain Formation, Even Kids Can’t Resist Him

As the power of the Human Mountain gradually dissipated, Lei Mingtian was seen lying on the ground with his bones broken as blood bled profusely. One attack and he was already heavily injured!

He wanted Chu Kuangren to pay for what he did, but never once did he think that he would be beaten to death for not being able to withstand a few moves from his opponent.

Lei Mingtian's protector had a terrible look on his face when he immediately appeared before him. Standing guard in front of Lei Mingtian, that protector glared at Chu Kuangren with caution.

Deep down, he was very shocked too.

He figured that Chu Kuangren was a formidable one, but he did not expect him to be so terrifyingly strong that a few moves of his would beat Lei Mingtian into a pulp. Moreover, Chu Kuangren did not even have to resort to using his specialized sword techniques at all.

'This person is too horrifying!'