Honorable Xuan Qi's Successful Ascension, The Sword Gauntlet's Quota


Another beam of heavenly tribulation struck!

It was Honorable Xuan Qi's seventh heavenly tribulation now. 

The surges of tribulation were beyond powerful that even the Thundersoother Rods could not direct them all into the ground anymore. 

When the seventh heavenly tribulation struck, the impact of the blast leveled the whole mountaintop and dislodged the Thundersoother Rods too, leaving Honorable Xuan Qi exposed to the surges of tribulation. 

The crowd looked at him intently.

That included Linghu's Third Forefather too. 

His plan may have failed, but he was in no hurry to leave. He wanted to see if Honorable Xuan Qi would successfully ascend. 

"Hey, old friend. Fight with me again."

With his Purple Star in hand, the Sword-based Daoist Rhymes surrounding Honorable Xuan Qi continuously grew, pushing his Heavenly Crepe-myrtle Sword Art to its limits.