People From The Underworld Palace Again, The Three-Headed Hound Becomes A Tool Dog

"Thank you? I think I'd much rather kill you!"

Just then, a cold voice suddenly rang out.

The mysterious black-robed man's expression froze, and he looked toward his back unbelievably. "Impossible, this zone is where the demonic qi is most concentrated at. Aside from Sages, even an Honorable Supreme who neared here would get affected!"

"Who is it?!"

The reason he dared to release the demonic beast, then harvest its soul energy while a Sage was busy with suppressing it, was not only because of his strong cultivation base and the Soul-Devouring Dagger. It was also because he knew that no cultivators could come near the moment the demonic beast broke the seal and released an immense amount of demonic qi, so nobody would come and stop him.

However, it now seemed like things had developed beyond his calculations.

Both the black-robed man and the School of White Lotus's Sage directed their gaze to the source of that voice.