Iron Alchemy Pill Scroll, Fairfrost Sage, Where To Find Such An Alchemist

Black Heaven's Second Forefather was left in a daze.

He may not know a whole lot about alchemy, but he knew precisely how difficult it was to heal spiritual mounds, especially with their lack of a pill recipe in this current situation.

However, Chu Kuangren said he would do his own research and invent one.

It was not that he felt it to be impossible. After all, the person in question here had accomplished way too much unbelievable stuff. If normal people could not invent one, it did not mean that he could not.

Nonetheless, this was too fast!

He had only just expressed his intention two days ago, and now he had already invented it?

Black Heaven's Second Forefather felt like he was being fooled.

A spiritual mound injury was an unsolved mystery for the alchemy world for countless years. He had lost count of how many Alchemists had delved themselves into this but ended up with nothing.