The Inner Zone, High-Level Tormented Soul, Acting So Dramatically

"Huh, why has the sky turned dark?"

Everyone was very surprised.

Meanwhile, Leng Changkong's face changed as he looked into the distance.

From the darkened sky afar, endless gusts of winds and sand gathered, connecting both the heavens and earth, like a black dragon with menacing teeth and claws!

A horrible storm was brewing! 

"Not good, it's a sandstorm!"

"Let's get out of here!"

Leng Changkong yelled.

Everyone's expression soon turned into horror.

Sandstorms in the Ancient Battlefield were unlike the ones in other ordinary deserts. That current sandstorm had a terrifyingly ferocious qi contained within it which would most likely kill an Honorable if one were to be swept into it!

Leng Changkong and the others never stood a chance against that natural disaster.

"Brother Chu, let's go!"

Leng Changkong shouted towards Chu Kuangren with a frightened expression. Then, he led others, running in another direction.