The Heavenly Emperor Sage Zhang And The Third Prefect, The Finals Begin, The Thousand Terrain Secret Realm

"We admit defeat for this battle!"

Upon seeing Chang Tian nailed to the wall, looking as if his life would be in danger if his injuries were not treated in time, the Overlord Sage Tribe Leader could no longer sit still.

They could lose the competition, but Chang Tian must not die.

He was the only one who possessed Overlord Sage Tribe's Supreme Daoist Physique after all.

In a whoosh, the Overlord Sage Tribe Leader leaped into the arena, pulled the divine spear out from Chang Tian's body, and glared menacingly at Lan Yu.

However, Lan Yu did not cower. 

With her current strength, as long as they were not a Boundary Sage or a Sage, even an old Honorable Supreme like Overlord Sage Tribe could not defeat her.

"The winner is Lan Yu of the Black Heaven Sect!"

The Thirteenth Prefect announced.

The Black Heaven Sect was advancing into the finals!