Business Talk, Meeting The Divine Predictor Again, Burning Books And Hiding Emperors

In a massive fortress was the largest business firm.

It was called the Four Seas Firm.

It was the largest-scaled firm in all of Firmament Star. Its businesses reached far and wide throughout the Four Domains and even to the Outer Seas.

The Four Seas Firm was Chu Kuangren's target this time.

Chu Kuangren arrived at the Four Seas Firm, and the moment he stepped in, a feeling of majestic regality wafted toward him immediately. The place was lavishly decorated, the sculptures and art pieces on its walls were even more magnificent than most royal palaces.

"My dear guest, may I assist you with something?"

A receptionist walked up to him.

"I'm here for your manager." Chu Kuangren cut straight to the point.

Taken aback by his words, the receptionist sized Chu Kuangren up. Although there was a spiritual light veil covering the latter's face, he still exuded an extraordinary aura, hence he should be a very important guest.