Do It Together, Not Embarrassing, A Victory By Whatever Means Is Still A Victory

"Where did you get the impression that I can't beat you?"

Chu Kuangren gave Jin Bujue a side-glance, and with a lift of his arm, he gathered a tremendous amount of spiritual power once again. This time, a more violent black fist sign was unleashed.

Sensing that the power from this strike was far more powerful than the one before, Jin Bujue yelled as he formed another golden mountain atop his head and struck it towards the incoming strike.

The moment the fist and the mountain clashed together, an explosion erupted in the air. The black fist sign immediately blasted that golden mountain away and smashed itself onto Jin Bujue's body.

Like a kite that had snapped its string, Jin Bujue was hurled backward, where he fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of fresh blood. The injuries he had suffered were heavy.

This punch shocked every empyrean walker at the scene!

"What a horrifying fist energy!"