Shang Qingxue’s Whereabouts, Look How Terrified You Made Them

Nebula Prefecture, Parchprime Palace.

Inside a great hall.

An old man was chiding a young man. "You dumb*ss, do you have any idea what the hell you've done?!"

"How dare you capture someone from the Black Heaven Sect? Do you not want to live anymore?!"

"Do you really want our Parchprime Palace to end up like Ethereal Rapture, Acheron Manor, and the rest? Have Chu Kuangren head over here and give us a slam too?!"

The old man was so infuriated that his breathing accelerated.

He was extremely angry.

He looked at the grim look on the young man's face and became even more incensed that he kicked the latter to the ground.

"Your father should never have made a child like you."

"Father, just relax for a minute. I'm sure Xuan'er didn't mean it. Who knew so many things would have happened in this short span of two months?"

A middle-aged man walked up to them and said.