Sword Daoist, Damaged Emperor Weapon, The Nine Heavens Orthodoxies’ Strategy

"Brother, feel free to state your requests. The Wu clan will make sure to contribute everything we can within our capacity."

The Wu Clan Leader was quick to agree.

He knew that Chu Kuangren's power was far more terrifying than the other clans.

The Wu clan was probably an insignificant orthodoxy in Chu Kuangren's perspective. If he wanted to, he could obliterate them at any moment.

The power difference was so big that the Wu Clan Leader did not even think of resisting at all.

If that was the case, there was no harm in playing along with Chu Kuangren's demands.

As Chu Kuangren had saved the Wu clan and his life, the Wu Clan Leader felt that this was a great opportunity to turn the situation around.

"It looks like you know how to play your cards well." Chu Kuangren nodded, content with the clan leader's attitude.

"First, I've got a few questions to ask. Is this the Emperor Road?"