Ancestral Land Foundation, We’ve Got to Go, They Did Not Want Something Like This to Happen

Tonnes of holy energy leaked from the Holy Light's Ancestral Land, and the secret realm trembled non-stop. As a result, the ground began to crack, and several white sources of light containing powerful holy energy flew out from it. 

That energy was supposed to be holding the whole secret realm in place.

The Ancestral Land Foundation!

However, as the Holy Light's Chief Sovereign absorbed the energy within the ancestral land, several Ancestral Land Foundations broke apart. 

"What remarkable treasures."

The aura within those few Ancestral Land Foundations was immensely powerful. Even Chu Kuangren became interested in it. 

By forming a large invisible hand with his mind power, Chu Kuangren reached out, grabbed the Ancestral Land Foundations, and tossed them into his Yin and Yang ring without hesitation.

"For killing the Sovereigns of our Holy Religion and even stealing our Ancestral Land Foundations, all of you must die!!"