Battling Seven Sins, Forcing Demonic Qi into the Body, Perfected Emperor

A figure hovered inside the black light cocoon.

Incredibly ruthless energy, one that was way stronger than a Rank Nine Initial Emperor Realm, cascaded out from it, causing every inch of space around it to shake.

Everything within a hundred kilometers of it could feel the tremor!

Immediately after that, a hand stretched out from the black light cocoon. The whole light cocoon then shrank into a tiny light spot and rapidly dissipated, revealing a slender figure.

It was an extremely charming man with purple hair and tightly-fitted black armor. He was holding a long saber, and surges of Emperor's Aura emanated from his body like the tide.

Every Demonic Realm being was overwhelmed with a feeling of submission as they all felt compelled to kneel down and worship this power.

"Seven Sins... Is this the Power of Seven Sins?"

"Wow, it really is powerful!"