The Boundary Daoist Celestials Die One After Another, Killing Bai Shi With Three Punches

The Isolation Sealing Insignia formed a caging enchanted boundary that trapped Chu Kuangren within it and restricted him from using any spatial techniques.

Meanwhile, several Boundary Daoist Celestials were now staring daggers at him as they surrounded him, with chilling killing intent surging out from their eyes.

Far away.

At the rear end of the Blood Tribe forces.

The thirteen Blood Kings were watching the battle using some sort of technique.

"The Isolation Sealing Insignia is a Daoist Weapon that can control the space around it. There's no way he can use any spatial techniques now. Plus, he's being surrounded by the four Boundary Daoist Celestials. This time, he shall die without a doubt," one of the Blood Kings commented.

The other Blood Kings, too, felt confident of winning the battle.

"Hmph, it's a shame. I wish I could personally slice that person into pieces."

King Bai snorted.