The Fifth Cycle Soul Refinement, Going Back Empty-Handed

The three souls attacked the Violet Blood Pseudo Immortal at the same time!

The Immortal Progenies were all horrified by the power of the three unique techniques, namely the Single Thought Series, the Invincible Technique, and the Imperial Monarch Sword Art.

The Violet Blood Pseudo Immortal, who took the attack head-on, was being greatly overpowered!


Having been hit by the Invincible Technique, the Inverted Universe, a large number of soul orbs appeared from the Violet Blood Pseudo Immortal's body, and Chu Kuangren sucked them all the soul orbs into his body.

The Nine-Cycle Trinity Soul Refinement was activated!

These soul energies were quickly refined and absorbed by Chu Kuangren.

"Your altar is quite useful." 

Chu Kuangren chuckled.

The Soul Refining Altar was the Violet Blood Pseudo Immortal's treasure. With it, a strong soul could absorb a weaker soul.