Entering The Immortal Ascension Pool, Prefers A Matured One, Chu Kuangren's Plan

Shocking! Absolutely shocking!

Everyone at the scene was overwhelmed with shock.

A single move and he defeated all the Immortal Progenies.

That display of power left those who did not join the battle in awe, and they stared at the proud white figure blankly.

Chu Kuangren retracted his Emperor qi and mind power. Then, he stared at the rest of the Immortal Progenies and said, "I'm going in first. Does anyone have anything else to say about that?"

As he glanced over them, all the Immortal Progenies lower their heads awkwardly.

The fact that he defeated so many Immortal Progenies overwhelmed them tremendously. They were so scared that they could not lift their heads up. What could they possibly deny Chu Kuangren's entry?

"As an Immortal Progeny, he has definitely achieved zenith," Gu Wuqing wore an impressed look as he looked at Chu Kuangren, admiring Chu Kuangren and his achievements.