Three Slashes Breaks Through The Nine Defense Lines, I’m Here, Why Don't You Die

The sword shadow slashed through the void and went on straight with unstoppable momentum.

After the first defense line was destroyed, it carried the boundless sword qi storm towards the second defense line.

When the soldiers at the second defense line saw the gigantic sword shadow coming toward them, it forced a pale look on their faces.


"Hurry up and put on the defensive formation!"

The warships started to line up in a specified formation and formed a huge light barrier.

However, when the sword shadow finally came down on them, it only stopped for less than a second before the whole defensive formation was cut through like paper.

The second defense line was torn apart and destroyed within the blink of an eye. Warships were destroyed one after another, leaving iron scraps floating in space.

Even the guarding Immortal fell before the mighty sword shadow.