Immortal Hall's Holy Violet Tribe, Successor Of Titan, How Are You Going To Make Me Pay?

"Weak. You guys are too weak!" 

Jiu Fang raised his hand to channel his water-fire energy, blasting Fu Shan and Hua Yun away. He even wore a scornful grin as he mocked them, "You guys are really too weak. Even if you teamed up, you are no match for me." 

Fu Shan, Hua Yun, and the others responded with grim looks on their faces. 

They knew how powerful Jiu Fang was. Moreover, the strength difference between an Earthen Immortal and a Heavenly Immortal alone was already an uncrossable hurdle. 

On top of that, Jiu Fang was a fifth-awakened pure-blooded Nine-Headed Snakelet wild beast. 

Even when Fu Shan, Hua Yun, and the others teamed up, they could barely rival him. It would only take Jiu Fang a lift of his hand to kill all of them. 

"I'll use this move to end you!" Jiu Fang bellowed. 

His body radiated with a red and blue brilliance that intertwined around him. Then, powerful water-fire energy fluctuation gushed out.