Papiyas Avatar, Ksitigarbha Might, A Dim Buddha Heart

It was terrifying!

The frightening demonic qi swept through the entire Thousand Buddha Grotto as if a Demon King had descended on the earth!

All cultivators present looked at Chu Kuangren with horror that they had never felt before. Even the Buddhist Great One looked solemn.

At that moment, demonic qi was circulating Chu Kuangren while Daoist patterns were interweaving.

Suddenly, the crowd seemed to see hundreds of millions of unjust souls wailing and roaring behind him, while around him, it was as if there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood!

"Even the demonic qi of the most monstrous demonic cultivator I have ever seen isn't as horrifying as that of the Hundred Academy's Chief!"

"Could it be that a demonic cultivator is his true nature?"

While the crowd was discussing, the Dark Fox Maiden Sage lamented. "Sure enough, this is the real him!"