I Should Be Written into History, Green Leaf Sword Ocean, You Are Not Worthy of the Godly Phoenix Name

The two stems of swordgrasses penetrated heaven and earth, and endless sword qi surrounded the air.

It was the Green Leaf Sword Vision's divine skill, Grass Sword Art! 

Grass Sword Art's appearance marked the start of the battle between two Green Leaf Sword Vision hosts.

"It's rare to come across one Green Leaf Sword Vision in this era. Our battle, the battle between two Green Leaf Sword Vision hosts, is unheard of even in ancient times. Brother Chu, this battle will be recorded into history books and praised by many generations to come," Ye Zhu said.

"I can reach the sun and moon with my hand and pluck stars from the sky. There is no one like me, and my name should already be written into history," Chu Kuangren said as the sword qi around him grew stronger.

His voice echoed across a million kilometers.

Everyone in the Sword Immortal's Tomb who heard his voice reacted with a mix of emotions.