Projection Of The Arch Gilded Will, Beat Him Into Submission

The destructive light from the Black Annihilation Lotus eliminated Qin Fengyun, Little Heavenly Ruler, and King Qin'guang's successor altogether.

The vast and mighty aura from the light shocked every single sky-pride.

At the same time, a terrifying energy fluctuation erupted in space and shrouded the land whole.

Endless Daoist patterns shadowed the horizon in the blink of an eye, and several powerful wills descended on the land. 

Following the arrival of the powerful wills emerged several figures, each terrifyingly powerful on their own. As their respective will flooded the realm, it forced most sky-prides down to their knees.

They were the wills of the Arch Gilded!

The figures that appeared were undoubtedly Arch Gilded Immortals.

"The Interstellar Arena forbids the existence of any Arch Gilded presence. What are they doing here?"