Blasting the Holy Violet Immortal Emperor Into Nothing, They Will Still Surrender Beneath My Feet in the End

When the Heavenly Dao Spire cracked open, everyone gasped. 

After all, the Heavenly Dao Spire was a manifestation of the Holy Violet Planet's Heavenly Dao energy, which made it indestructible.

Countless sky-prides had entered the spire, seeking to obtain the treasures within. However, no matter how intense they fought, the spire had never been cracked open!

However, there was a crack this time!

"The final Opportunity of Fortune from the other three Heavenly Dao Spires has been taken away, yet I've never heard of the Heavenly Dao Spire cracking open before!"

"This is just too terrifying!"

"Look, that crack is growing as we speak!"

On the final floor of the spire, a crack was growing and spreading further. Faint horrifying bursts of energy were seeping out from within, frightening many sky-prides.