A Sea of Suffering Awaits Those Who Bring Harm, Jing Hui Standing Guard

"Now's my chance!"

Jing Hui's eyes lit up upon seeing Shang Honghua's evil qi affected by the pillar of light. She quickly channeled her Buddhist Light and released a powerful technique! 

"Divine Lotus Light!"

Strands of Buddhist Light intertwined in the void, forming a golden Buddhist lotus that enshrouded Shang Honghua within it.

After immobilizing her, a drop of blood essence containing a very dense Buddhist aura came out from between Jing Hui's brows and entered Shang Honghua's forehead!

Jing Hui was using a drop of her blood essence to suppress Shang Honghua's evil qi!

Under the influence of the light pillar and Jing Hui's blood essence, Shang Honghua's ferocious look gradually receded.

"Phew, I did it."

Jing Hui breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why didn't you uphold our promise and kill me instead?"

Shang Honghua looked at Jing Hui with utmost gratefulness and confusion.