The Desire Flower, So Much For Chu Kuangren, Who Said You Could Touch My Thing?

In a demonic lake in the depths of the Desire World Sky, three hooks with creepy demonic rays and countless treacherous demonic patterns engraved on them were suspended above the demonic lake.

The demonic lake appeared to be like a mirror as there were no ripples but strange demonic rays.

At that moment, two figures approached. They were Hui Zhang and Chu Kuangren.

"Are these the Six Dusty Demonic Hooks?"

Chu Kuangren looked at the three pitch-black hooks strangely.

He felt weird with the demonic lake below the hooks.

"Lil Ai, analyze for me."

"Yes. Analyzing… The Six Dusty Demonic Hooks' eyes, ears, and tongue can cast illusions on one's vision, hearing, and taste, then arouse desires related to these three senses… The Demonic Desire Lake breeds the Desire Flower, and the flower feeds on human desires. Anyone who gets near the flower will be entangled by its tentacles, fall into a state of desire, and can't extricate himself…"