A Blast of Sword Qi Destroying the Heavenly Soldiers, Weak and Helpless, One Slash Killing Three Prodigies

Chu Kuangren stood firm on the spot, completely unscathed. 

He swung his sleeve and released a vast Immortal's Core energy to disperse the violent tempest.

Then, with a step forward, he appeared before the Qinghua Imperial Commander. He raised his finger and pointed at his opponent's face.

There was no Immortal's Core energy contained in his fingers, and it seemed extremely common, like an ordinary person pointing at someone.

However, it was the ordinary point of the finger that enveloped the Qinghua Imperial Commander with immense fear because he could not dodge it!

Enraged, he channeled his Immortal's Core to the limit and blocked his sword in front of his chest. The finger landed precisely on the azure sword's blade.


The sound of metal breaking echoed.

Countless Daoist patterns shone from the blade as if it was giving its best to defend against Chu Kuangren's finger.