Blue Ocean Eighteen Hells, Jing Hui Appears In The Restricted Area

With just one word from Chu Kuangren, Lan Haifang led him to the Blue Ocean Eighteen Hells. 

The Yellow Sand Young Master and the others followed.

The Eighteen Hells was built in an abyss located deep inside Blue Ocean Territory. 

The abyss was divided into eighteen floors and had countless restricted seals covering its surface to prevent the evil ghouls and dead souls from escaping.

The place reeked of ominous presence and a vicious rage qi.

Ye Luosha and Ye Guiwang had bitter looks on their faces when they arrived, but they did not say anything. They simply kept quiet and followed Chu Kuangren around.

Chu Kuangren stood in front of the Eighteen Hells that extended all the way upward and stared at it. No one knew what was going on in his mind.

The first and the lowest floor contained the most dead souls that had not turned into evil ghouls.