Is A Soul That Strange? Wreak Havoc In The Restricted Area

"C-Chu Kuangren?!" 

Chu Kuangren's appearance shocked everyone.

How did he infiltrate the Soul Restricted Area? 

How did Ziyue Changkong turn into Chu Kuangren? 

What happened? 

All of them were stunned, baffled, and confused, especially Lan Haifang and the Azure Heaven Young Master.

What had they been doing in the Spiritual Divine Forest Realm?

They had killed soul beasts and gathered Soul Crystals for him! 

They thought he was Ziyue Changkong!

"Too bad. I thought I could play a little longer."

Chu Kuangren stood in the air as he looked down at all of them from the Soul Restricted Area. His expression showed no fear, as if he was not in the most dangerous place in the world but a common ground with mountains with rivers.

"A-Are you Brother Changkong?" Lan Haifang asked, refusing to believe her eyes.

Chu Kuangren answered indifferently, "Your Brother Changkong is long gone."