Black Hole Great Destruction, Wasp’s Sting

The figure in white bore a transcendental presence. His movements screamed of elegance, and his appearance dimmed even the stars.

It was like looking at a deity descending on the mortal world. He was like the superior being that could transcend not only humans but even the world itself.

"He's the Heavenly Sword!" 

"He's indeed different! His energy presence is astounding."

"But like the information we got, he's just a Trinity Flower Arch Gilded Immortal. We don't have to be afraid to fight him."

The Red Devil Pirates and the others were shocked by Chu Kuangren's outstanding presence, but they did not retreat.

The Skymoon Pirate licked her lips and wore a lustful grin on her face. "I must get him for myself! I want to play with him!" 

Chu Kuangren stood out from the rest.

Even the Skymoon Pirate, who had slept with countless men, was astonished by Chu Kuangren's outstanding and transcendental presence.