You Are Not Worthy Of Holding That Sword, Killing You With One Slash

"The Spiritual Sword Tribe is getting weaker." Tian Hong looked at Ling Fei with a scornful grin.

Upon hearing his words, Ling Fei struggled and tried to break free. He channeled his energy to the limit, but it was no use as he was pinned down to the ground.

"The gap between your strength and mine is so drastic. How are you going to break free from my grasp?"

"Stop it!"

Feng Qingxue and Han Xingyu tried to help by attacking Tian Hong, but the other Imperial soldiers stopped them.

Feng Qingxue was a Prodigy on the Heavenly God Leaderboard, which made her slightly stronger. However, she was still no match for the soldiers.

As for Han Xingyu, she was just a Gilded Immortal. Hence, she was smacked and slammed on the deck. The Void Sword that she safe-kept for Chu Kuangren fell as well.

When Tian Hong saw the Void Sword, his eyes gleamed with interest. "This sword is rather interesting."