Wu Jizi Achieved Primordial Realm, Refining External Body Manifestation


Feeling the rapid recovery of his body, Wu Jizi looked at Chu Kuangren in astonishment.

He had gone through the lightning tribulation, and even if it did not kill him, his life would be hanging on a thread.

However, the temple healed him to his prime in just a moment, and he became a lot stronger than before.

"But although the power is strong, it's not at Primordial Realm yet," Wu Jizi said as he looked at Chu Kuangren with a baffled look.

Could the mysterious Master of Destiny not directly break him through to the Primordial Realm?

"If you want to ascend to Primordial Realm, you would have to go back to your universe and experience the ascension again. Don't worry. Destiny has everything sorted out," Chu Kuangren said.

After he said that, Wu Jizi disappeared from the temple.

Back in Wu Jizi's universe, he appeared on an ancient planet.