The Void Battlefield Has Been Opened, Emergence of the Daoist Progenitor, To Be Expelled From the Immortal World

In the depths of the universe, an eerie energy fluctuation spread and shook the entire Immortal World.

"This fluctuation…"

As Chu Kuangren narrowed his eyes, his gaze penetrated the Immortal World Barricade and looked into the depths of the universe.

The rest of the Embodiers also explored the source of the change with their own methods.

In the depths of the universe, a huge whirlpool was expanding outward and releasing terrifying spacetime energy. 

In the blink of an eye, the whirlpool had expanded to the size of a galaxy.

"What a familiar aura!"

Chu Kuangren's eyes narrowed as he looked at the pitch-black whirlpool. He managed to guess something, and so did the rest of the Embodiers.

"It's the aura of the Void Battlefield!"

"The Void Battlefield is open. This day has finally come!"