The Primordial Has Summoned the Nine Kings, the Heavenly Sword Is the One That’s Going to Rule the Future, the Space-Time Dimension

Inside the Purple Heaven Hall, the purple-robed young man stunned everyone with his threat to kill the Immortal Hall's ancient Embodier.

That threat made the ancient Immortal Hall Embodier's expression change. His aura fluctuated while he looked at the purple-robed young man with caution.

"Hall Guardian– no, Zi Jinlun of the Celestial Demon Tribe, does this mean you've decided to protect Chu Kuangren?" the ancient Embodier asked with a grim expression.

"I'll make it simple for you. If you want to kill him, you'll have to go through me!"

Seeing that things were getting heated between them, two other Embodiers quickly stepped in to smooth things over. That prevented them from fighting.

"Let's put aside the matter of the Immortal Hall and Chu Kuangren for the time being. The most important thing now is to focus on the war against the Central Heaven Universe."

"That's right. We still have to prioritize the bigger picture."