All of You Are Brave, Distribute The Troops, He Killed A Primordial Before

The God King Meeting was finally happening.

While the God Kings questioned God King Sikong's unprofessional conduct, someone walked into the room.

It was Chu Kuangren.

The sword aura he carried swept across the room.

All the God Kings shrouded in Immortal Sparks responded with a strange look on their faces when they sensed the energy presence.

"It's outstanding!"

"The Heavens? It seems like you're the infamous Heavenly Sword."

"This aura… Are you provoking us?"

The God Kings looked on with curiosity, but some of them showed hostility instead, such as Mo Tianyin.

His expression turned gloomy as he stared at Chu Kuangren coldly.

He remembered the hammer attack that destroyed one of his Dao like it happened yesterday.

Another one who showed hostility was a figure surrounded by black mist. He was the ancient God King of the Nether King Tribe.