Operation Start, Who Is Surrounded, Nowhere To Run

On the Third Continent of the Pan Gu Universe, inside the palace sat Gu Linglong, waiting for information from Chu Kuangren.

As soon as she received the message, she said, "Troop Breaker Star, begin the operation."

"Yes, my Queen," said one of the talismans. 

Jue Wushen grinned coldly. 

Suddenly, the Pan Gu Universe's continents that were occupied by the Central Heaven Universe were flooded with a large number of cultivators.

The cultivators wreaked havoc across the land, destroying the defense lines that the Central Heaven Universe had built. 

On a certain continent occupied by the Central Heaven Universe, one of the Central Heaven Universe's cultivators looked at the sudden ambush coldly. 

"You people have been hiding among us!" 

The Central Heaven Universe had occupied the Pan Gu Universe's lands for just a decade, and they had yet to scan through all the residences to flush out the spies.