Sky Dominion Halberd's Power, Black Tide Eruption, A Strange And Terrifying Existence

Multiple vast and boundless auras erupted within the Dark Demonic Forbidden Lands.

Several figures emerged from the void.

There were five of them.

The two God Kings were the least eye-catching figures in the group because the other three surprised Lu Jun and Li Tu.

One of the three had a crown on his head and a scepter in hand. 

The other had golden robes on that complemented his golden hair.

The last one was topless, which showed off his bulging muscles.

"Damn it. It's them — the Nether King, Emperor Skylord, Titan Deity. I feel like we're having a reunion here," Li Tu said as he scoffed. 

The three of them were all the Central Heaven Universe's Peerless Warlords from the previous universal war.

"Li Tu, Lu Jun, long time no see."

The man with the bulging muscles, Titan Deity, looked at Li Tu and Lu Jun with a wide grin. 

Multiple Daoist law energies rumbled within his body.