A Man In White Travelling Across Many Universes, Kill All of You Here

"Once you connect to the Great Dao, how long do you need to acquire all the knowledge of the universe?" Chu Kuangren asked.

"Ten years. As more information is gathered, the time might shorten," Lil Ai answered.

Lil Ai revealed a rare excitement in her tone.

Chu Kuangren smiled. "It seems like you're excited."

"Cultivators are not the only ones who wish to improve themselves. In any universe, all intellectual beings have the desire to grow stronger in time." Lil Ai explained to Chu Kuangren that she was no exception.

As Chu Kuangren grew stronger, her abilities were slowly replaced, and she felt helpless for being obsolete.

Now that there was a chance to improve herself, she would not let it slip.

"Mmhm. If so, let's start your path to evolution from this universe." Chu Kuangren chuckled.

Not even Chu Kuangren could acquire all information about the universe in ten years.