Lil Ai's Evolution Complete, Let's Have A Bet, Want To Be My Ride?

"Omniscient Spirit evolution complete. Rebooting…"

A familiar voice echoed in Chu Kuangren's mind.

Then, his mind shone in gold, and in that golden flash was a ball covered with countless mystical runes.

"Lil Ai!" 

Chu Kuangren's eyes gleamed.

Lil Ai, the Omniscient Spirit, had evolved!

"Reboot complete."

"I've detected that Master's current location is beyond the Infiniverse, and the Daoist law is different from the local rules. Do you wish to make the necessary adjustments?" Lil Ai asked.

"Make the adjustments."

Chu Kuangren had absolute trust in Lil Ai. 

The moment he gave the command, a strange energy erupted from his body.


The Daoist law that did not fit the Great Hongmeng Universe's rule rapidly transformed to match the local rules.

High up in the sky, Priest Fei Mai noticed Chu Kuangren's blank look. He frowned but did not hold back his attack and swung the golden sword downward.