Sword Twenty-three, Killing Jue Jian, A Wonderful Surprise

Two shockingly powerful bursts of sword qi were clashing violently above Myriad Arms City.

One was filled with an aura of destruction, while the other was razor-sharp and domineering as if it could slash everything apart.

Those two surges of sword qi were the embodiment of absolute offensive power!

Meanwhile, two figures could be seen standing at the ends of both surges of sword qi. Their Grand Dao auras were constantly pouring out into their respective sword qi.

It was Chu Kuangren and Jue Jian.

"Die, Chu Kuangren!" Jue Jian roared. 

The power of his sword aura skyrocketed.

It was on the brink of overpowering Chu Kuanrgen.

However, Chu Kuangren chuckled. At that point, he no longer held back the Grand Dao energy inside him. His Grand Dao power, which had undergone the ultimate level of enhancement, fully erupted!

Due to that, the might of his Heaven Slaying Sword Drawing Technique skyrocketed.